
Model JP

Model JP Locking Type

The Model JP is a vertical lifting clamp capable of turning a single plate or member from horizontal to vertical and back to horizontal through the same 90 degree arc. Permits side loading of lifting shackle up to 90° by derating of clamp’s rated capacity. Refer to Figure 1 for derated capacities. Model JP incorporates a pivoting shackle that permits side loading of the lifting shackle at 100% of rated capacity from vertical to 30°, 75% of rated capacity between 30 and 45° and 50% of rated capacity between 45 and 90°.

Item Number: JP-16.00-A

Product Features

  • Single plate turning from horizontal to vertical & back through the same 90 degree arc
  • Permits side loading of lifting shackle up to 90 degrees by de-rating clamps capacity
  • Allows easy attaching & removing of the clamp
  • Choose the Model JP for higher cycle counts and higher capacity lifts or pulls

Support & Documents



16 tons
350 lbs.
Clamp Body Length
19.81 in.
Clamp Body Width
8.69 in.
Jaw Height
6.25 in.
Jaw Length
8 in.
Overall Clamp Height
19.81 in.
Overall Length
32.31 in.
Maximum Plate Thickness
2.5 in.
Minimum Plate Thickness
0.5 in.
Shackle Opening
4.5 in.
Shackle Thickness
2.25 in.